Monday 2 December 2013

...and me!

To everyone who might be reading this blog.
I promise you there are books I love. I'm not that bitter and full of hate, I just feel a bit more vocal when I have wasted time reading a book that wasn't good.

See I consider books to be my friends. They keep me company and let me escape for a bit. So when books are bad, I feel it like a stab in the heart. If a book is oversold to me and it turns out to be bad it's even worse. Hence, the reviews that might get ugly.

I'm a generally happy go-lucky person, I promise I'll try and write some positive reviews too but most of the times I feel like I have to protect people from bad literature.

Just like you would protect someone from a bad person :)

This is me by the way!


The Gunslinger • The Dark Tower #1

(The Dark Tower #1)


So after 14 or so years that I've know about "The Dark Tower" by Stephen King, I picked up "The Gunslinger"

All I have to say is:

I have NO CLUE







I realise I might lose followers about this review but seriously it was so bad.


Go after the jump for the review and crude language. Possibly spoilers too. 

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Anita Blake #1 Guilty Pleasures


Ah Vampire Literature why do you grieve me so?

Shoutout to The Southern Vampire Mysteries books

Alright before I start I should add a small disclaimer here. I JUST read this book for the first time. I knew they existed and two people had actually recommended them to me but it was some years back when I could only afford to buy a few selected books (and I only bought whatever I couldn't find in the library) so I kind of skipped the whole Anita Blake business. Onto the review now.

Monday 11 November 2013


(Twilight #1)


One of the worst things I've ever read. SERIOUSLY. Including fanfiction written by prepubescent girls. Ms Meyer is obviously living her wet dream through her awful awful book.
 The writing is horrible. The plagiarism is also horrible. It feels as if the author is writing with a thesaurus in hand, using synonyms without even knowing if the specific synonym fits. I feel compelled to go do a word search and see how many times she used the word "chagrin". The characters are unbelievably shallow and lame and Bella Swan is the textbook definition of a Mary Sue.


The Old Man and the Sea *spoilers*


I have the Greek hardback 1963 version of  it  and also borrowed it on audiobook read by Donald Sutherland. in short my opinion is: HOLY FUCK THIS WAS A DRAG. Even Donald Fucking Sutherland was bored when he was narrating!

This is me during the book.

Full review after the jump--->

Thursday 10 October 2013

The Book Thief

The Book Thief



Today I have no gifs and I have no gifs cause I'm shaking from this fantastic little book. This book is simply extraordinary! Very well written and sad! The narrator (Death) prepares you from the beginning that it is a tragic story but as the narrative flows you forget it sometimes, getting lost in innocent childhood memories of Liesel Meminger.

If you like fast reads, don't read this.

If you can't stand unhappy endings, steer clear.  

This book hits you right in the feels. I cried a lot during it and I'm still crying now that I've reached the last page. It offers a rare perspective. I've read tons of books from the point of view of the Allies and a few more from the Jewish perspective but this is the first time I've read about the actual German civilian side. It shook me. I loved it. It holds a special place with me now.

Read it.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Last Stand of Dead Men (Skulduggery Pleasant #8) *SPOILERS*

(Skulduggery Pleasant #8)



asdfghjasdfghjk . . . . This book KILLED ME. It was everything in that Mr. Landy had been building up to but I really didn't expect it to be soooooo Fuckin Brilliant™

 More after the jump